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Evi: A Changed Life in Cambodia

It is amazing to see God take us anywhere in the world to serve Him. He shows us His working to bring people to Himself. And He lets us be channels for His message of love, even in Cambodia, Southeast Asia.


Evi seldom smiled. She sat so quietly and spoke so softly from the first time I met her in the HIV AIDS clinic. My heart’s response was, “Oh Lord, please save Evi.” She came faithfully once a month for her appointments. Sitting beside her on the cement bench outside the consultation building I explained the offer of our loving Savior. She listened, but was not interested. And left. 


But eventually, she was admitted to the hospital. She looked like a skeleton with skin stretched over it. Shingles broke out on her foot and then up her entire leg. Her mother faithfully stayed by her caring for her. As I sat beside her and taught about the Eternal One time and time again, she listened, and was interested.


One day, I bent over her pain-racked body and gently spoke again of what one must do to be saved. “Evi, do you want to ask Jesus to save you from your sin?” This time she was ready. “Yes,” she answered. She prayed. She believed in Christ who died for her and rose again. Jesus rescued her from sin and gave her eternal life. 


After that, each time I walked into that hospital ward I would see Evi’s face glowing with peace. She smiled often and it was warm and sincere. She knew she belonged to God. She loved to hear the Word of God read. John 14:1-3 “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you.” 

I had to make a trip to the capital for a few days. When I returned, Evi was not there. She had made a trip to the celestial city. 

Dr. Mary Broeckert is the author of Present and Powerful: A Testimony of God’s Working in Medical Missions which is available on Amazon here

Present and Powerful Cover